
Men2Be is a programme aimed at Supporting Young Men in developing emotional awareness, literacy and competency skills.

Its purpose is to positively inform and raise the aspirations of young men.

The multiple benefits of the programme are:

In terms of benefits to the young Men:

  • new pictures of 4rce 031Increased Self-Awareness, Self Confidence & Self Esteem
  • Improved Emotional Awareness, Management & Competence
  • Improved Conflict Management & Communication skills
  • Improved Solution Based Problem Solving Skills
  • Access to a Team of Male Role Models/Mentors
  • Access to a gender specific Safe Place and Therapeutic Male Support Service (Men2Gether)
  • Personal & Social Skills Development

 Wider community through:

  • Reduction in crime and self regulation in the community;
  • Overall improved health and wellbeing within families;
  • More productive partnerships between schools, parents and the wider community.
  • Fewer teenage pregnancies.

Schools/services who use the service too will benefit.

  • Improved Teacher/Pupil Relationship
  • Improved communications between the school and home
  • A reduction in Parental alienation and mistrust towards schools and teachers.
  • Operationally Men2Be is a personal development programme aimed at improving the emotional competence of young men. It focuses on lasting outcomes through a joined up approach involving Programme Participants, Schools and Male role models from within the local community (Men2Gether Community Action and Support Group).
  • Through participation on the programme all participants will become more empathically and emotionally aware, recognising their emotions and the effects these have on others.
  • Beneficiaries will develop a sense of self-control, managing disruptive emotions and impulses, therefore avoiding situations that were previously causing conflict and chaos in their lives. In turn this awareness will increase their aspiration, responsibility and self-determination.
  • Men2Be explores with Young Men exactly what Real Men are ‘Meant to be.